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Thursday, 19 January 2012

Facebook Gestures: Bringing better insight to the Social Business?


By | January 18, 2012, 2:04pm PST
Summary: Facebook is unveiling new features of its Open Graph applications and adding Gestures to applications. But will this extra information bring more insights to businesses?

Facebook is unveiling new features to its Open Graph applications.  AllthingsD reported that Facebook will be announcing the new features at a press conference late Wednesday afternoon, Pacific Time.

In addition to the ‘Like’ button you will soon be able to ‘Own’, ‘Want’, ‘Buy’ and ‘Install’.  Developers will be able to add other actions within an app provided they are Simple, Genuine and non-abusive.

Frictionless sharing has already allowed applications to take advantage of the ‘Read’ option. The Washington Post and the Guardian Facebook app shares news articles you have read on your ticker.
Articles read by your friends also appear on the Facebook ticker, prompting further reads and increasing the popularity of the news item.

But will this extra information bring more insight to businesses with a Facebook page?

Brands already know how many fans like their page. They know whether their campaigns are getting more engagement. Analytics show user engagement with their ‘Talking about this’ figure on a page.

Will adding verbs enhance the social interaction? Perhaps adding verbs such as ‘Dislike’ might give valuable feedback to brands.

Love it or hate it?

The yeast extract spread, Marmite which is a similar product to Vegemite, could capitalise on having a ‘Dislike’ button on their Facebook page.

This could prove once and for all that more people love the savoury spread than hate Marmite.
Marmite centres its marketing campaign around strong opinions. You either love it or you hate it.
Adding extra gestures to a page might also be open to criticism or abuse.

If a situation arises there is huge potential for escalation by the community and page fans. Ragu’s campaign video which featured Mom cooks criticising Dads got several Dads ‘piping hot and bothered’.

Imagine if Ragu had a ‘Dislike’ button on their site during that campaign. They would have had a great opportunity to take early action — before it escalated.

I think that with the current low level of Facebook fan engagement for business pages, brands have work to do as Facebook starts approving Open Graph Actions this month.

But will the changes bring the extra page engagement that marketers want?

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